One of my favs from my pictures for the new items coming soon to my shop
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Blues and Greens Treasury
Check out this treasury I just made, some great etsians are in it!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Yay for blogs
Hey everyone, my deep forest basket weave bag was featured in aprilmariemai's blog today. She has a good selection of etsians who make items for reusable purposes. Check it out Hopefully I will snag a treasury later.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Plum Kiss and Greens
Yay for treasuries. These items will be great for gifts! Please check them out these etsians are awesome!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Wisdom and the Lack there of
Well the last couple of weeks have been nonstop busy. I've been working like crazy, barely anytime for my knitting and crocheting and then bam...I get my wisdom teeth pulled. I thought I might be a little tired but I could get a bunch of stuff churned out. HA HA I didn't plan on being a big wussie and reacting to the pain meds negatively, migraines and swollen tongue weren't on the side effects listed. Therefore I have many projects I started and then the side effects kicked in and I was down for the count each time. I have slept off the migraine 4 times today, each time it came back but its bearable right now. I am currently hoping that the bathroom my husband just painted will be dry so that I can mark that off our list, even though I didn't really help at all because I was out of commission. Hopefully tomorrow will be the conclusion of all this nonsense because I have work bright and early on Tuesday.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Yippies and uh ohs
Yay I'm featured in an awesome etsians blog!!!! She goes by the name of The High Plains Knitter. Her blog is awesome you should check it out!
On the yippy/uhoh note I was, no lie, 3 inches away from finishing my newest clutch that I'm totally syked about, and plink my machines sewing needle is sitting next to the bag on the thread....poo. Now I have to find some Kenmore needles. Anybody know someone? I'm going to post a picture of the new bag, which will be in my shop, but it may be a few days.
On the yippy/uhoh note I was, no lie, 3 inches away from finishing my newest clutch that I'm totally syked about, and plink my machines sewing needle is sitting next to the bag on the thread....poo. Now I have to find some Kenmore needles. Anybody know someone? I'm going to post a picture of the new bag, which will be in my shop, but it may be a few days.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My first hand dyeing yarn experience

So I have been working on my first felting project and I broke all the needles before I finished it(I'll have pictures when I finish). So in the down time I thought I would finally try hand dyeing with Kool Aid. I have been putting this off for a while, not because I didn't want to but, because I was afraid of the time it took. I had decided in the down time from needle felting that I need light blue sky so I picked up some wool, that I had wrapped into a small skein, and picked a light blue Kool Aid. I went to town trying to get the dye to yarn ratio the way I wanted it and I think it came out awesome. I had so much fun doing it! I am no longer afraid and I can't wait to dye my own yarn that I hand spun on a drop spindle my husband made! Which reminds me I need to buy some roving. Here are the pictures.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Autumn is Coming! Main treasury
This treasury is a must for all things fall. Very good color combinations. I'm an alternate in this treasury but look at all the other artists shops they are great!!!
Also check out the curator lorielynn's shop she sells some awesome jewelry and 10% of the profits is donated to Breast Cancer Research and programs! Check it out:
Also check out the curator lorielynn's shop she sells some awesome jewelry and 10% of the profits is donated to Breast Cancer Research and programs! Check it out:
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Hot August Nights Treasury
Yay another main treasury! This was made by an Etsian by the name of SoTrue who makes some awesome jewelry so check it out!
The treasury itself was well thought out and features some awesome Etsians! You know you want to look you will be pleasantly surprised!
Yay another main treasury! This was made by an Etsian by the name of SoTrue who makes some awesome jewelry so check it out!
The treasury itself was well thought out and features some awesome Etsians! You know you want to look you will be pleasantly surprised!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Yay Main Treasury
Boy am i an awful blogger its been a month. I made the awesome bag with the awesome yarn here is the link Great props to accessorabbit for the amazing yarn she traded me. I'll post her store and some items in a few days. I also made it into the main treasury! You should check it out there are some amazing Etsians in it! Thank you enchantedbeads, I will be posting a few items from that amazing jewelry store later as well. I promise! Have a great night!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Fantastic Friday
Well I had a fantastic friday, went to a little craft fair and made a little moolah and barter my photographs for yarn. Hehehehehehe I'm going to use that yarn later today for an awesome purse (well at least it looks that way in my head). I let you know if it turns out as well as I've thought it up.
Also since this was at relaxation center open house I got to take a belly dancing lesson for free. It was so much fun and it makes you use alot of muscles that you wouldn't expect.
The 4th of July was great but ended with me coming home from work at 6pm and my hubby and I realizing we failed to make friends down here that would remember to hang out with us on a holiday. Thus we bought some American staple foods eg hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad and of course apple pie and had our own half way pathetic party where we watched history shows about the presidents. I fell asleep contorted on the couch around 10:30 and just now woke up and realized my husband left me where I lye on the couch and went to bed. So I was compelled to write real quick, which is a feat in itself because my eyes are half opened and I can't see the keyboard because I forgot to turn on the light. Well good night moon.
Also since this was at relaxation center open house I got to take a belly dancing lesson for free. It was so much fun and it makes you use alot of muscles that you wouldn't expect.
The 4th of July was great but ended with me coming home from work at 6pm and my hubby and I realizing we failed to make friends down here that would remember to hang out with us on a holiday. Thus we bought some American staple foods eg hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad and of course apple pie and had our own half way pathetic party where we watched history shows about the presidents. I fell asleep contorted on the couch around 10:30 and just now woke up and realized my husband left me where I lye on the couch and went to bed. So I was compelled to write real quick, which is a feat in itself because my eyes are half opened and I can't see the keyboard because I forgot to turn on the light. Well good night moon.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Government websites must revel in the fact that they make their websites so circular that nobody can figure anything out. I tried for an hour to find out what and where to get business permits were and was bounced from federal to state to local and all around and got twenty million answers that may or may not be what I need. Bunch of money grubbers, free enterprise my butt. Enough whining I have two new bags check them out!
Watermelon Mist Basket weave Bag
Country Cadet Basket weave Bag
Tootles for now
Watermelon Mist Basket weave Bag
Country Cadet Basket weave Bag
Tootles for now
Friday, June 26, 2009
Rainy day
Well I had the most unpleasant way to wake up this morning, bright flash and crack of thunder. Major thunderstorms in the area and lightning striking very close to my house. Its been raining for three straight hours since I have been up and I don't think it is going to let up. I wish I had rain barrels at this point.
On the bright side I have 3 knitting projects I've finished and 3 more I can do. I can't wait for it to stop raining so I can get pictures and list them on etsy! I'm so excited about the new bags I'm finishing up! There is the Watermelon Basketweave Bag, the American Dreams Basketweave bag, a Mountain Magic Scarf and Sweet Lemonade Cowl!
On the bright side I have 3 knitting projects I've finished and 3 more I can do. I can't wait for it to stop raining so I can get pictures and list them on etsy! I'm so excited about the new bags I'm finishing up! There is the Watermelon Basketweave Bag, the American Dreams Basketweave bag, a Mountain Magic Scarf and Sweet Lemonade Cowl!
Monday, June 15, 2009
International Seller!
Yay I made my first international sale wooohoo! Its so exciting I'm out of my slump and I sold to a lovely person in Vietnam! I will post pictures of my new items later this week!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I made a treasury list
I made it into a treasury, my first one! I am so excited and so greatful to KnitsYoursKnotMine for including me in her treasury. You should check out the treasury its pretty neat, there are so many talented people's work in it! Here is KnitsYoursNotMine's shop
You should check em out you might have fun!
You should check em out you might have fun!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Anniversary Sale
Hey everyone, after roadtripping through parts of the midwest and going off for a weekend for my first year wedding anniversary I am back. I will update weekly from now on. This week in lieu of my 1st year wedding anniversary I am having an exclusive sale for people who have added my shop to their favorites. If you are interested in purchasing something in my shops type "Anniversary" in the message to seller and I will refund 30% of your purchase through PayPal. This is good for the entire month of June! Hope you have a great week!
I will be posting items during the week as they are completed. I've got some projects I'm really excited about and can wait to show them to you.
I will be posting items during the week as they are completed. I've got some projects I'm really excited about and can wait to show them to you.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Nature Coast

Jordan and I went to the Nature coast with Flat Stanley, a paper doll that Jordan's Mom sent from her 5th grade class. He climbed trees, went swimming, road a motorcycle that belonged to a toothless biker and I did all these things too because I had to take the pictures and then go in after him if he got in the water. It was fun, roadtripping is fun, it has to be one of my most favorite things to do, but I always have to bring my camera with me. On the business side of the knitting world I have a couple of new bags that I'm working on. Personally I am ecstatic about them! My parting shot is of flat stanley on in a forest of palm trees.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Lights out!
This was definitely a fantastical day. First I had to take boob money from a woman that I rang up in line today, I thought, "it is too early for these types of shananigans". The question I don't want answered is where did she put her change? After that it got crazy then dead, like waves of the ocean. Then the lights went out. That is when you truely realize how many people can occupy a michaels at once...when they all get called to the front of the store for their safety.. The generator kicked on to run registers and emergency lights which lasted about 15 minutes. In one of my not so spare moments I looked to the left side of the store where the lights where flickering and it kind of looked like the haunted mansion, but it was oddly calming. I'm also realizing that the spell check on this blog tells you what you are spelling wrong but doesn't suggest a way to fix said mistakes...catch 22's stink. I realized after forgetting I had a blog that I was being virtuous and idealistic about posting biweekly. I must train myself to keep up with this like I used to so I think I can pull a weekly blog that will be on Fridays. If I have a spurt of interest during the weekend I might have a special weekend post otherwise the lack of interesting will allow me a chance for brain deadedness that I have no chance for anymore. I probably won't let myself have it anyway. Long days are followed by short nights.
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Ball Field
Yesterday was nonstop busy. After working for 7 hours, Jordan and I headed to Belmont Heights Ball Park, one of the poorest places in town. You would have to know this because there housing looks nicer than most peoples. Anyway we arrived at the ball field and the kids were all over the place, it was organized chaos. As the 5-16 yr olds went through the baseball clinic that my bible study was putting on, I noticed no one was playing with the little girls and boys that weren't in the clinic. I met Kayla, JaMiah, Quan, Charles, and a few others. We played catch, football, and jump roped. The kids were having so much fun just playing on the side of the field. They couldn't stop smiling and laughing. I played with Kayla the most, she loved playing catch and really improved from when we started. When the clinic part was done they talked to them about Jesus. I noticed no one was talking to the kids I was playing with. I asked them if they heard about Jesus and they all said yes. We talked about it for a while and they were all smiles. When the baseball clinic was finally over I and I was handing out dinner, Kayla and her mom walked by and I said, "Hey Kayla" and her mother with a shocked look, smiled and said, "you remembered her name". After feeding about 150 kids we were cleaning up and all the kids were leaving, Kayla's mom said "Kayla there's your friend said bye!" Kayla smiled and waved! I had a great time there and I think we made a difference in that neighborhood, we just need to follow up. It was definitely an exhausting day but it was worth it.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The quandry of a canine
Today I spent the day at my mothers. I went with her and my father on errands and when we came back to the house their dog, Tyler, was happy we were home and he was barking and looking for attention so I sat on the floor. As I called him he stopped barking and moved toward me. In the same moment my dad was crushing a can in the kitchen. When the crunch sound came Tyler turned his head and made the Tim Allen questioning grunt, "arroo?". Mom and I busted out laughing and dad said, well he's more like a little old man than I thought. It was more entertaining in person than it sounds, although lack of sleep adds to the hilarity.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hello World
Well I have been gone from the blogging world for many years. I noticed I have had many interesting things happen to me in these many years and have no notation of it anywhere. *2 hour span where my sister and I climbed trees and take pictures of us in midair* Anyway I've decided to document my life again, sometimes my friends live vicariously through me, when its interesting at least. Well that's enough for now I have to help my sister make bracelets and dodge waterbottles. Then I get to go home but I leave you with a parting shot.
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