Monday, June 16, 2014

Where have I been...all over!

So I could have sworn I had written a post a couple months back, it must have been dreamed in the few hours I get to sleep at night.  Well I guess I didn't, I definitely get a slap on the wrist for writing a resolution blog and then not writing any update.  I am properly shamed now onto what I was going to write about, the many things that have happened in 5 months!

So lets start with updates:

Five days after I wrote my last post I had a baby boy, Reece, who is now 5 months. He is a porker.  The only wee ones pattern I made up was a hat because his head got big.   I haven't even had time to measure him for me to make patterns. But c'est la vie.
First time at the beach.  Don't worry he had his own little tent to hide in.

My husband joined in on the fun and is now the office side of the business, and a bit of the creative too.  He revamped the website in March, gave us new tag lines, business cards, and a new colorway for Sprout, April Showers.
The screen shot for Spring, check out the new one he created for Summer.

April Showers

As you can see the screen shot from March, I did come up with two new lace weight lines.  Seed Lace  is 100% Superfine Merino Wool in 32 colors. Silky Seed Lace is 50% Fine Merino Wool,  50% Silk in 34 colors.  You can check those out on the website as well.  We also have a store on the website that sells our straying hanks, pretty on their own and the only ones of their kind. So if you have a hankering for yarn that no one else will have ever, you can get it there.

We went on a road trip and have a whole bunch of new stores interested in carrying our yarn in the Fall.  Reece actually did really well, he travelled over 3500 miles! I also got to meet some designers that you might be seeing with new designs in our yarns in the future. ::wink, wink::

In the mean time though it is summer and I am working on a new line of yarn as well as laceweight patterns, more on all of that later.

But now for the big news:  We are going big time and we've decided we are showing at the big trade show-TNNA Winter Show, in Phoenix, in January 2015, no matter what!  Just tell your LYS owner to look for a man wearing a ridiculously smiley baby on his front.  We are designing the booth as we speak and boy it's going to be awesome.  We'll have 5 yarn lines, a slew of garments in each line, and one rockin' booth.  We have the spirit, but we need the funds, so we started a crowdfunding campaign on gofundme.  We have a whole bunch of cool gifts for each donation level, so check it out.  Anything helps, you're literally helping a small business to grow by giving us the opportunity to show thousands of people who we are and what we are about.  You can read about our campaign here.  If you can donate that would be great, if anything share the heck out of the link for us, what ever you can do will be greatly appreciated by us. Here is the URL if you want to use it.

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year's Resolutions!

Happy New Year to all my fiber fiends out there!  It has definitely been a busy year, hopefully yours has been as productive feeling as mine.  I'm still carrying a little munchkin in my belly but 2 weeks left and I'll have the insane pleasure of being a first time mom, cue the vomit in hair!

Well I went through what I wanted to accomplish last year and here is what I actually did accomplish.

For The Fiber Seed:
* I created more than 20 new colorways last year.
* Have my yarn in 5 yarn shops.
* Beef up my knitting and crochet accessories stock for my Etsy Store.

For Me personally:
* Complete two projects a month regardless of when I started them.

Great accomplishments right?  Well, I had a couple of lofty ones that I didn't quite finish, for one reason or another, so those get added to this years list along with some new goals.

This Year:

For The Fiber Seed:
* Create a new line of yarn.
* Create pattern support for my current line of yarn (Sprout) as well as the new line. (I've already gotten a jump on that one!)
* Get my yarn into 10 more yarn shops.
* Keep a running stock in my Etsy Store for knitting and crocheting accessories.
* Design more patterns, you might see wee ones sized patterns too...I will have a little model at my finger tips.
* Finish my class on writing knitting patterns for multiple sizes.
* Publish a book of patterns.

For Me personally:
* Finish all the projects that I started last year but didn't finish because I wouldn't be able to wear them because of the impending baby bump.
* Finish 2 projects a month regardless of when I started them.
* If I start a project it has to use some of my stash. (Even if it's using my stash as a provisional cast on. (::Mischievous smile::)

So here is my proof that I have already started on my resolutions:  I wrote a pattern, for Sprout, in the purple haze colorway!
The Crocheted Beaded Mitts were made for all you crocheters that said, Lindsay we want cute stuff too! You can find the pattern on Ravelry, Craftsy, or Etsy.  Here's the parting shot for you. This is going to be a good year!