Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Being sick stinks

So I'm being a diligent blogger and writing a post but I'm doing so from my bed, I'm sick.  I volunteered in the church nursery on Sunday, the cute little boogers got me sick.  A few hours after we got home my nose started running.  By Monday morning my nose had stopped up and I had a sore throat.  I made it through a couple of hours of work before I felt like someone had thrown me into a  wall, not a cool Velcro wall that is squishy and fun to jump at but a hard brick wall. So I went home got into my sweats and crawled into bed.  An hour after that I had a fever and cold chills that went on until I went to bed, too long in my opinion.  Now I'm in the I can't taste anything and my nose is running too much stage, but no fever, so yay.

 Anyway onto the fun stuff.  I've finished two hats this week, one is a gift and I am not taking a picture in my current state, so you can see those next week.  I have 16 color ways planned out but I definitely can't stand long enough to do any dyeing. I did start a mitered cardigan out of 6ply but I haven't knitted in the past three days so that didn't go anywhere. You know a knitter is sick when they don't knit.

  Next week I should have tangible color ways and hopefully I will be further along with the mitered cardigan and of course not sick.

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