Thursday, February 7, 2013

Monty Python in my Sleep

So I've been dyeing my little fingers off this week, but when it comes to sleep this week has been an epic fail.  I get woken up by the slightest thing and then I can't get back to my deep sleep.  It's been going on the past couple of days, all identifiable things waking me up, but this morning I swear to you I  was woken up by music from Monty Python.  It was the trumpeting segue that moves you from scene to scene.  I don't know where it came from.  But I digress.

I'm sitting here thinking, what projects did I finish this week?  Nothing, that's right, nothing.  I didn't work on my mitered cardi at all.  I piddled around with the multi directional scarf.  I am working on my twizzle scarf on my loom.

I took pictures of my new colorways, some aren't done drying so those didn't make it but here are 2 new colors out of the 16.  If you want to buy them they will be available at the Knit 'n Knibble on SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9TH.  That's this Saturday.

Dusty Jade
 Spanish Moss

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